GMWA Women of Worship
“When Praises Go Up”
Mary and Martha were hurting, because their brother Lazarus had just died,
They ran when they saw Jesus coming, and on his shoulders, they cried.
Jesus said show me where you laid him, oh, the sisters wondered why,
He said this test is for a testimony, oh My delay is not a deny.
There was a woman with an issue of blood, oh Lord,
She had tried all the doctors in town;
But oh, after she spent all of her money, oh Lord
There was no help to be found.
One day she heard about Jesus, yes she did, that He was passing by,
She reached out in faith and she got healed that day,
Yes, a delay is not a deny
Just wait and be of good courage, God will strengthen your heart,
Trust Him and know he is able, His love will never depart;
Oh, when waves of affliction are present,
And sorrows bring tears to your eyes,
Stand still, He has not forgotten, and His delay is not a deny.
Just wait and be of good courage, God will strengthen your heart,
Trust Him and know he is able, His love will never depart;
Oh, when waves of affliction are present,
And sorrows bring tears to your eyes,
Stand still, He has not forgotten, (Repeat)
Stand still (Repeat)
Hold on (Repeat)
Just wait (Repeat)
Stand still, He has not forgotten, and His delay is not a deny!
Ain’t He good, children, ain’t He good?
Ain’t He good, children, ain’t He good?
Always made a way for me
Opened doors I could not see
Ain’t He good, children, ain’t He good?
Didn’t He save, children, didn’t He save?
Didn’t He save, children, didn’t He save?
Saved my soul from a burning hell
Now for Him, I must tell
Didn’t He save, children, didn’t He save?
Didn’t He touch children, didn’t he touch?
Didn’t He touch, children, didn’t He touch?
Touched me with His pow’r-ful hand
Now for Him, I must stand
Didn’t He touch, children, didn’t He touch?
Didn’t He love, children, didn’t He love?
Didn’t He love, children, didn’t He love?
All the way to Calv’ry’s cross
So my soul would not be lost
Didn’t He love, children, didn’t He love?
Ain’t He good, children, ain’t He good?
Ain’t He good, children, ain’t He good?
Always made a way for me
Opened doors I could not see
Ain’t He good, children, ain’t He good?
Ain’t He good, children
Didn’t He save, children
Didn’t He touch, children
Didn’t He love, children
Ain’t He good, children
Didn’t He save, children
Didn’t He touch, children
Didn’t He love, children
Ain’t He good, children
Didn’t He save, children
Didn’t He touch, children
Didn’t He love, children
Ain’t He good, children
Didn’t He save children
Didn’t He touch, children
Didn’t He love, children
Ain’t He good children
Didn’t He save, children
Didn’t He touch, children
Didn’t He love, children
Ain’t He good, children
Ain’t He___________________
All day long I’ve been with Jesus
All day long my lips have uttered praise
All day long my heart, my soul’s been lifted in worship
All day long I have been with him
All day long I’ve been with Jesus
All day long my lips have uttered praise
All day long my heart, my soul’s been lifted in worship
All day long I have been with him
No way, could I ever honor you enough, for all you have done for me
So I will offer up, thanksgivings from my heart, and praise continually
All day long I’ve been with Jesus
All day long my lips have uttered praise
All day long my heart, my soul’s been lifted in worship
All day long I have been with him
Verse 1:
Once I looked for pleasure here just living for each day, all I felt were empty years although I had my way. Now I know what troubled me; I needed someone new. All I want is you, Lord. All I want is you.
Verse 2:
Through the years, the many years when you were wanting me, I was looking everywhere but you I could not see. In my heart I see you now and I know that you’re all I need. All I want is you, Lord; all I want is you.
All I want is you Lord, all I want I you
No one else but you Lord, all I want is you
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come;
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace.
The world shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun refuse to shine;
But God, who called me here below, Shall be forever mine.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.
Sopranos & Altos:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see
Sopranos & Altos:
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears (altos: my fears) relieved
How precious (altos: How precious) did that grace appear
The hour I first believed (alto: I) first believed
Sopranos: Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
Alleluia Sing God’s praise than when we first begun
Altos: When we’ve been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun
Tenors: Alleluia Allelu Alleluia Alleluia
Alleluia Allelua Alleluia Amen
Ending: A___________men!!!!!!!!!!!
My time has finally come
It’s my season to be blessed
My season to be blessed
My season to be blessed
My blessing’s finally got my name on it
My blessing’s finally got my name on it
My blessing’s finally got my name on it
Oh, hallelujah
(Sopranos & Altos): I am blessed
All: Amen
(Sopranos & Altos): I am blessed
All: Amen
Oh, hallelujah
Solo: If you know you’re blessed, say, Amen
Choir: Amen. Amen.
Solo: If you know you’re blessed, say, Amen
Choir: Amen. Amen.
Solo: Say, Amen
Choir: Amen. Amen.
Solo: If you know God is good, say, Amen
Choir: Amen
Amen (7x)
8th time: Lead into Key Change (OVER)
Amen (4x)
5th time: Lead into Key Change
Amen (14x) (OVER)
Unison: My blessing’s
Harmony: finally got my name on it
A – men
Finally got my name on it
Anointing fall on me, anointing fall on me Let the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me Anointing fall on me
God is an awesome God!
He is an awesome God, and greatly to be praised!
Tenors: God is great, and greatly to be praised!
Altos: God is great, and greatly to be praised!
Sopranos: God is great, and greatly to be praised!
Everyone: Praised!
God is an awesome God!
He is an awesome God, and greatly to be praised!
Tenors: From the
Everyone: rising of the sun
Tenors: Until the
Everyone: setting of the same
Altos: My God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Sopranos: God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Tenors: From the
Everyone: rising of the sun
Tenors: Until the
Everyone: setting of the same (OVER)
Altos: My God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Sopranos: God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Tenors: From the
Everyone: rising of the sun
Tenors: Until the
Everyone: setting of the same
Altos: My God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Altos: My God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Altos: My God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Sopranos: God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Sopranos: God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised!
Sopranos: God is
Everyone: worthy to be praised
Everyone: Worthy to be praised
Worthy to be praised
Worthy to be praised
Worthy to be praised
God is an awesome God!
He is an awesome God, and greatly to be praised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(by JJ Hairston and Youthful Praise)